Guidelines & Instructions


  • Parents are ardently requested to co-operate with the school in enforcing regularity and discipline, pertaining to uniform, homework and preparing for the lessons by being a catalyst in success of school activities.
  • Parents are requested to comply with school rules enforced from time to time.
  • Parents should check the almanac on daily basis to find out the homework, other instructions and remarks stated if any and sign it punctually. Parents of younger children are requested to look in for any notice / invitation that has been issued.
  • Supervise your child's homework and related assignments and also sign his/her report card, assignment reports or any written communication in the almanac only after studying carefully.
  • Any amendments in the address or telephone numbers should be brought to the notice of the school authority in writing.
  • Children, sick and resist to sit in the class, should not be sent to school, especially in cases of he/she suffering from any infectious or contagious disease. When the child resumes his classes, a medical certificate must be submitted certifying the same.
  • Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms to see their wards or teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal in writing.
  • Parents are requested to attend the Parents Teachers Meet scheduled regularly.
  • Parents are requested to maintain decorum and respect while talking to the staff members.
  • Any communication made by the parent should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class teachers. Justifiable complaint can be discussed in person to the Principal or a separate letter can be addressed to her/him.
  • In order to communicate with your ward’s teacher(s), Parents/Guardians may consult the almanac for queries regarding school matters and if required, can communicate to them through school telephone numbers.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards are not carrying unwanted/unapproved books, magazines, articles, periodical and stationaries.
  • Any trophy/shield or memento won in the school's name must be entrusted in the school office.
  • The school management reserves all the rights to change school timings.
  • School fee can be revised by the management which is to be accepted by all the parents.
  • Your co-operation is solicited for instilling discipline and regularity in your child/ward and also for ensuring proper development of his/her conduct and behaviour.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards are reporting to school in time. School does not entertain the act of late reporting. In case the act is repeated frequently, the students may be sent back home and all liabilities shall lie on the parents.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards are attending school in the prescribed uniform only, failing which they are liable to disciplinary action or be sent back home and all liabilities lie on parents.