General Rules

  • Students must come to school on all working days in the prescribed uniform failing which they are liable to disciplinary action or to be sent back home.
  • Punctuality is an essential aspect of school discipline. Late coming student must submit a 'Late Slip' to the class teacher. In case the act is repeated frequently the student may be sent back home.
  • Irregular attendance, perpetual disobedience, defiance to authority or insubordinate conduct could lead to the suspension and / or rustication.
  • If any student who has recently suffered from any infections or contagious illness, like measles, chickenpox or conjunctivitis (red eyes) will not be allowed to attend the school until permission has been granted by a registered medical practitioner.
  • Auditorium, stage, various labs (Computer, Biology, Physics, Chemistry) etc. are to be used by the students only under the direct supervision of the teacher.
  • Ensuring cleanliness is the responsibility of every student. Wrappers, litters and other disposable stuff must be disposed-off in litter bins provided for the same.
  • If any student whose behaviour or academic performance indicates an inability or unwillingness to meet the requirements of the school or whose actions are injurious to self or others, the Principal reserves all the rights to rusticate her/him.
  • If any unclaimed is article found in the class or school campus, students should report and deposit it to the school office.