Examination Reports and Promotions

  • Students whose fees are pending won’t be allowed to appear for the examination.
  • Reports will be given only to the students who have cleared all their dues.
  • Students having any illness should not be sent to school to attend class or take part in any Assessment / Evaluation.
  • If the student fails to secure minimum required marks to pass in the Promotional Examination, further decision of promotion will solely be taken by the Principal.
  • It is mandatory for the students to appear for the term ending (Half Yearly and Yearly) examinations as per schedule. There is no scope for rescheduling of examination in the school’s exam policy. In case of any other leave except medical grounds during exam, no marks will be awarded in the concerned subject.
  • Except any reasons of ill health proved by a Medical Certificate, absence from written exams will result in a total loss of marks in that subject. Separate Test/examination won’t be conducted.
  • If some students fail to cope up with the standards, they may be advised by the Principal to seek admission elsewhere for the genuine and larger interests.
  • Students failing in English will not be granted promotion.
  • Students failing twice in the same class will have their name struck off from the school attendance register automatically and must discontinue their studies from the school.
  • A Duplicate Report can be issued solely on the discretion of the Principal & the Management.
  • An application for Duplicate Report Card must be produced with an affidavit and an advertisement in at least one local newspaper.
  • Duplicate Report Card is chargeable.
  • Students of classes VIII - IX & XI are required to pass with a minimum of 33% marks in the theory and practical exams / internal assessments separately, in accordance with the "Examination by Laws" of CBSE - Delhi
  • The students of classes X & XII will follow the examination scheme as approved by the Central Board of Secondary Education - Delhi.