
Pre-Primary (Jr Kg – Sr Kg)

Kindergarten for the tiny tots, is a gateway to a new world. Preschool is an initiation to set their thoughts into a new pattern on entering the hitherto unfamiliar world of books, friends and teachers. The play way and activity-based approach form the framework around which basic skills of recognition and reading are laid out for quick perception. Group interaction and activities pave way for better adaptability and understanding.

Primary (I - V)

The young saplings are nurtured under the tender and caring hands of their teachers just like an oyster would nurture a pearl gently. An activity-based approach to learning is followed in the school. Primary years are the formative years where opportunity is provided to them to be active learners. Group activities are organized for them that enhance their physical growth and develop skills like reading, writing through aids like picture and storytelling books, building blocks etc.

Secondary (VI- VIII)

Extending from Class VI to X, the values emphasized in this age group are logical and categorical thinking. On the threshold of teenage, the students have abundant energy which is judiciously channelized through the infrastructural setup of multimedia activities, libraries and laboratories. Through activity based conceptualized learning, students are enabled to identify and excel their areas of interest there by constructively harnessing their skills. Along with the core curriculum of English, Maths, Hindi, General Science and Social Science choice of Sanskrit is offered in the III language (class V-VIII)

To initiate aesthetic learning students are involved in a world of literary / creative / scientific skills that acquaint them with Music (Vocal + Instruments), Dance, Drama, Art & craft, Yoga, Gardening and First Aid.

Senior Secondary (IX-XII)

On the brink of their graduation into the world outside, these two years require students to choose their specialized field with focused energy and effort. Keeping in mind the competition awaiting them, provisions are made for their expert career counselling to advise them on options in higher education through a series of interactive sessions, seminars, webinars, and workshops.